Reindeer Logo



Privacy Policy

Last Updated: August 9, 2023

Information we store

When using the bot, we may store the following information:

  • Discord users who have interacted or been reported/tracked with the bot
    • vote status and previous votes
    • Associated servers
    • Reports they made
    • Trackers they have created
  • Servers that have invited Reindeer
    • Reports made in the server
    • Trackers made in the server
    • Configuration values set using the /setup and /config commands
  • Reports that have been created
    • Associated target user
    • Fields entered by the author/reporter
  • Trackers that have been created and not deleted
    • Associated target user

We also store other Discord IDs (snowflakes) including, but not limited to message IDs, user IDs, channel IDs, and server IDs.

We do not store message information (except for IDs) or user information (except for IDs). This means that information like message content and usernames never reach our database and are only relayed back to Discord.

All of our data is stored in the United States and are encrypted during transit and at rest.

We do not share or sell any of your data to third-parties.

User-generated content

The Reindeer bot allows you to upload, submit, store, send, or receive content. You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that content.

When you upload, submit, store, send, or receive content to or through the bot, Reindeer may store and process such content to provide the Service as detailed above.

Information used for analytics

When using the bot, we also collect certain analytics.

  • Server name (not stored) and member count (stored) of individual servers that the bot is in
  • Anonymous total server, member, and channel count of all servers that the bot is in
  • Anonymous command and interaction usage
  • Anonymous votes


You can email us at

You may contact us if you wish to delete your server's data as the server owner, or if you have accidentally given private or sensitive information to us.